Proven New Jersey Criminal Defense Attorney

Municipal Court Cases | Disorderly Persons Offenses | Motor Vehicle and Traffic Citations | Assault | Weapons Offenses | Drug Crimes

Whether you’ve been cited for a traffic violation or you’re facing prosecution in Municipal Court for a disorderly persons offense, it’s still critical that you retain aggressive and experienced counsel to protect your rights. A conviction could result in a six-month jail sentence and/or up to $1,000 in fines. In addition, if convicted, you’ll have a criminal record, which could negatively affect your ability to get the job you want, further your education or find a decent place to live. You want a lawyer who knows the law, who can anticipate how prosecutors will prepare, and who will fight to protect your Constitutional rights.

At the offices of Yonta Law, LLC, we have dedicated our entire legal career to criminal law. Before focusing exclusively on the needs of criminal defendants, attorney Kimberly Yonta served as a New Jersey prosecuting attorney for more than 10 years. We have a thorough understanding of how prosecutors obtain evidence, as well as the tactics they use before and during trial. We can anticipate the moves most prosecutors will make and know how to proactively work to minimize the potential consequences of a disorderly persons charge. Because of our longstanding reputation for skill, knowledge and experience, many of our new cases come to us as referrals from former clients and other lawyers.

Contact us online or call our office at 732-421-1680 for an initial case evaluation. There is no charge or obligation for your first visit.

Our Representation in Municipal Court Prosecutions

We aggressively defend people facing any type of charge in municipal court, including:

  • Traffic offenses, such as speeding, reckless driving, driving without a license or insurance and DUI/DWI
  • Drug crimes, from simple possession or possession with intent to distribute to sale, distribution or trafficking, as well as manufacturing and cultivation
  • Minor theft crimes, such as shoplifting
  • Disorderly conduct, including assault, resisting arrest, obstruction and harassment
  • Minor weapons offenses

When we take your case, we’ll fully investigate to learn exactly what happened, including the details of how evidence was obtained, as well as the nature of your arrest or citation. We’ll seek to ensure that law enforcement officers had probable cause for any search, seizure or arrest, and that you were advised of and granted your rights under the U.S. Constitution. If police officers infringed on your rights, we’ll ask the court to exclude evidence or dismiss the charges against you, if appropriate.

We will aggressively protect your rights at any stage of the criminal process, whether you are simply under investigation or need to appeal an unfavorable outcome in municipal court.

Contact Yonta Law, LLC

For a free initial case evaluation, contact our office online or call our office at 732-421-1680. Evening appointments can be scheduled upon request. We take all major credit cards. Se habla Espanol.

Contact Us


111 Livingston Avenue
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901

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